Digital Innovation Days was a very big project to tackle. I started working on it, alongside the copywriter on my team, at the end of august and we finished working on it literally the day before the premiere.
My work covered:
▶ The social media posts and stories, advertisment and lives
▶ The program brochure for the days of the event
▶ The printing and making of the press conference and gala event materials
▶ All the motion graphics for the live event: the videos were declined for the main ledwall and sidewalls plus all the screen for the different rooms scattered around the place
▶ The making of the phisical billboards and other supports
▶ The banners for the web platform and all the publicity static images to display in the cookies of other web pages and apps
▶ The alpha stencils and overlays for the online speakers and social media lives interviews
▶ The digital badge made in Lutinx for whoever partecipated and the physical badges of the event

Promotional ADV(s)
Done in a 4:5 ratio, mid-res, the ADV consisted in two different videos, different in their intro and in some of the texts. It was the first thing I had to produce for DIDAYS. The one linked below targets the event in its online form, inciting people to follow it online if incapacitaded to travel to Milan. I had to follow a brief script in which were highlighted the words and the target of the video but its making, the layout of the information and the way in which to convey it was totally up to me.
The ad ran for about two weeks in most socials.
A more static version was made to sell out the remaining tickets a few weeks before the event.

Selection of

Selection of
The bulk work consisted in making the entrance for the speakers and their panels: 100 reiteration of the same motion, with a difference in photos and texts. The main room had one ledwall and two sidewalls and while the main screen inform the visitors of the speech taking place, a coffee or lunch break, the sidewalls had some info of the event, the calendars, the sponsors and other rooms programs.
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